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Rose International Holdings Purple Opportunity Opens European and American Homes High-end Technology Smart New Experience--Netease Home

Author:Time:2018/2/26 15:24:30Read:544
On July 19, 2017, at the Rose International Beijing Chengcheng flagship store, Rose International and Ziguang Wulian formally announced that they had reached a strategic cooperation and opened a new and high-end technology smart home experience in Europe and the United States. Zheng Yuan, the founder of Art Rose International, witnessed with many partners and Vip customers.

Zheng Yuan, the founder of Art Rose International, told a warm heart story. In order to make it easier for the mother to enter the house without being in the house, she installed the smart lock produced by the company. She was in touch with the smart home. We want to create a safe and worry-free home life for our customers through intelligent means. This purpose has led to the cooperation with the company and the introduction of the smart home system into Rose International.

Art Rose International founder Zheng Yuan

In addition, she also mentioned that in the past, European furniture was considered to have a sense of classicality and history, and it was difficult to associate with intelligence. This time, Rose International and the company of Ziguang will join together in the smart home of European home appliances. A level of furniture was raised to tell everyone that the original European furniture can also be intelligent and fashionable.

It is understood that the purple light smart home has a new generation of multi-user whole-house smart home system, and Rose International's Chengcheng flagship store, in addition to smart locks, smart curtains, smart switches, HVAC intelligent control, etc. It can be controlled by one button of APP.

Rose International currently has French palace, new French, British classical, neo-classical, modern American, new Chinese, post-modern and many other luxury furniture, and related curtains, wallpaper, carpets, lamps, jewelry and other soft design services. Committed to creating elegant and romantic home experiences for our customers.
Rose International Home Design Center is located in the villa, model room and high-end apartment decoration design and overall soft design, is committed to creating a butler-style one-stop home services for customers. In the active exploration of the latest domestic and foreign decoration industry design concepts, in-depth study of the relationship between human settlements and space art, with a number of well-known domestic and foreign design masters form a strategic alliance, tailor-made for the customer's overall plan.
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